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Australia's Best prize house lotteries

For the last 100 years, we have witnessed the rise and rise of house competitions in Australia aimed at promoting various causes.

For the last 100 years, we have witnessed the rise and rise of house competitions in Australia aimed at promoting various causes. However, one common thread runs through most of these house competitions; they are used as a means of raising funds for charitable organizations which are engaged, in one way or another, in championing for the interests of various disadvantaged groups in Australia. These disadvantaged groups range from disillusioned youth who need to find a bearing in life, ex-soldiers who need a soft landing while struggling to reintegrate back into society, the hearing impaired or deaf community, the physically disabled persons, the sick poor who cannot access the much needed healthcare, those in distress who benefit from coast patrols aimed at ensuring that nobody drowns while having fun in the Australian beaches.

The various organizations behind the Australian House Competitions organize a number of lottery draws, each year, whereby the lucky winners stand a chance of winning luxury prize homes in Australia's most sought after neighborhoods. These raffles have most of the time irreversibly changed the fortunes of the some not so well to do people as they receive the pleasant news of being the lucky winners of the coveted prizes homes. Whether they decide to move to their new million dollar homes or choose to rent them out, one thing is clear. Their lives and those of their families will never be the same.

On the other hand, the organizations that run the prize home lotteries raise funds through the sale of tickets in the lottery draws, which are then channeled into numerous charitable activities that these organizations are involved in. The house competitions usually offer a win-win situation whereby the Australian public is given a chance to not only contribute towards worthy causes of helping the needy within society, but the lotteries also offer them a genuine chance of winning expensive houses that can definitely change the winners' lives instantly.

Therefore, if you purchase the tickets and you don't win any prize, you will still be contented that you have contributed, in your own small way, towards a noble cause; but if you win the ultimate prize, it will be a double blessing. It is has always been part of human nature to want to contribute towards a worthy cause aimed at uplifting others. This is so because when we uplift others, we kind of uplift our inner selves too. We feel good that we are doing something positive in society and this is very healthy for the soul. What better way to achieve this than engaging in an exercise where you also stand a chance of winning a dream prize home?

Here are some of the big names behind the Australian House Competitions and what they do in order to make Australia a better society:

Boys Town

This is another big name behind the Australian House competitions. The Boys Town is a non-profit organization known for its activities that are aimed at helping disadvantaged youth to find a bearing in their lives. The organization provides the youth with counseling, training and support services. All these services are dedicated towards enhancing the youngsters' quality of life; especially those faced with interaction challenges and hence lack a voice. The other services offered include education and employment programs for the youth. One of the major ways through which the foundation raises funds to run its numerous charitable activities is through organizing big house competitions.

RSL Art Union

This is a non-profit organization which was established in order to support the Australian Defense Forces Personnel together with their families. In the 1930s, it became extremely difficult for the war veterans to make a successful comeback into the larger society. This was due to horrible memories of war scenes that they had been through as well as injuries and sicknesses picked from the wars.

Due to circumstances beyond their control, most of the ex-soldiers had been reduced to biting poverty and despair, since most of them became jobless and had no hope of finding a decent job. For over 50 years now, RSL Art Union has been helping these war veterans to settle in life. The organization raises a good fraction of the funds it uses to run its charitable activities through organizing Prize house competitions.

The Deaf Foundation

This happens to be the only charity organization taking care of the deaf or hard to hear community in Australia. Established in 1985, the foundation has been raising money for programs that tend to the needs of the hearing impaired and deaf community. The biggest percentage of the funds comes from the sale of raffle tickets in prize house competitions, organized by the foundation every year.

The Mater Foundation

The Mater Foundation is also a charitable organization belonging to the Mater Medical Research Institute and Mater Health Services. The organization runs several fundraising activities aimed at supporting their charitable activities including clinical care, research and education. Their main objective is to avail treatment as well as prevention of various diseases affecting people irrespective of their age. The foundation organizes several fundraising activities including prize home lotteries where people win major prizes in house competitions.

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