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Behind the Australian Home Lotteries

Behind the prize home lotteries in Australia are charitable organizations that have transformed many lives by the funds raised by prize home draws.

Behind the prize home lotteries in Australia are charitable organizations that have transformed many lives not only through the major wins in luxurious dream homes but also through the charitable activities that these organizations are involved in. The prize home lottery draws that they organize are just but one of the ways through which they raise funds to support their charitable activities. All the money raised from the sale of tickets in the lottery draws goes towards supporting disadvantaged groups, hence giving individual citizens an opportunity to contribute towards very noble causes. We have several charity organizations in Australia but the most recognizable ones that raise funds through prize home lotteries include.

  • RSL Art Union
  • Mater Foundation
  • RMH Prize Home

Let us sample each of them and see what they do and how they run their affairs.

RSL Art Union

Founded several decades ago, this is an organization that is well known in Australia and beyond the borders, for its charitable activities that that are aimed at helping war veterans. This includes both former and present day ADF personnel, together with all those who depend on them. The main source of the funds used to do this is the regular home lotteries that RSL Art Union organizes.

The beneficiaries of RSL Art Union are both members and non-members with different stories of gallantly having served their country in various missions. They range from young men and women who come back home from lengthy missions overseas, to those suffering from Post traumatic stress Disorder (PTSD) due to horrible war memories and also those who pick incapacitating injuries or illnesses from war.

The returning young soldiers usually find themselves in a totally new society than the one they have been oriented to while in their missions abroad. Other than getting a complete culture shock, these young people find it very difficult to pick up their lives from where they left it, in a fast moving society while the injured and sick are unable to take care of themselves and their dependants. The RSL Art Union comes in handy to help reintegrate the young people back into society and helping the maimed by offering support through, rehabilitation, free welfare services, affordable emergency accommodation, free pension and advocacy. Through research on PTSD and several programs like Mates4Mates, initiated by t RSL, the union has been able to extend a helping hand to thousands of disadvantaged ADF personnel over the years.

Mater Foundation

This is one of the oldest big names behind the Australian prize home lotteries. Following in the steps of the "Sisters of Mercy," the Foundation has been able to offer sympathetic care to the needy and sick people driven by mercy, care, dignity, commitment and quality. The foundation currently runs a chain of seven hospitals whereby four are private and three of them are meant for uninsured patients. The hospitals are known to offer excellent and selfless service to over half a million patients in Australia yearly. The Mater Foundation draws a good fraction of the funding of its charitable activities from the home lotteries they organize on a regular basis.

The mater Healthcare services are distinguished from the rest for several reasons including:

  • Their clinical excellence
  • Offering of education to future healthcare providers
  • Purchase of state-of the-art life-saving equipments
  • Following in the footsteps of sisters of mercy
  • Investing in thorough research
  • Seeking to understand and prevent diseases.
  • Continually seeking to improve methods of disease treatment
  • Focusing on mothers and babies" health
  • Focus on healthy development of babies while they are in their mothers' wombs

There is no doubt that the Mater foundation has made a permanent mark by being at the forefront in improving healthcare to disadvantaged patients and entire communities, especially by offering subsidized and affordable healthcare.

The Royal Melbourne Hospital (RMH) Prize Homes

The Royal Melbourne Hospital is also one of the notable names behind the home lotteries in Australia. However, all the funds collected from the regular home lotteries organized by the foundation go into charity. Founded over a century ago, the RMH foundation has remained singularly focused on offering community health by:

  • Providing affordable and quality healthcare services
  • Getting involved in innovative research and
  • Educating healthcare personnel

The hospital is known to offer quality healthcare services to the less fortunate in society through its emergency department which happens to handle the largest number of emergencies in Victoria, to the range of about 60,000 patients annually. Their outpatient department which has a variety of medical, surgical and other several clinics on the first floor handles over 900 patients daily. The hospital also offers in-reach residential care services which provide the option of emergency services to patients in their residential facilities besides running a research center whose major focus is improving healthcare through innovation of new methods of treating and caring for patients.

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