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Bone Health Foundation

The Bone Health Foundation provide people with varied assistance in relation to health problems associated with the bones of humans since 1991.

Who we are

The Bone Health Foundation was instituted in the year 1991 and ever since that time has been providing people with varied assistance in relation to health problems associated with the bones of humans.

What is the mission of the Bone Health Foundation?

The mission of the of the Foundation is to ensure that each and every individual gets provided with services that will help them to stay free from all bone related health issues.

What is the vision of the Bone Health Foundation?

The vision is to make sure that the number of people who suffer from bone related health issues is drastically reduced.

There are quite a huge number of people who get affected with any of the various musculoskeletal health disorders. These situations could have easily been curtailed and their associate effects totally eliminated if there were adequate and appropriate supportive services available at the initial stages. This is why Bone Health Foundation has taken it up to ensure that these problems are identified early enough so as to treat it properly.

What work does the Bone Health Foundation do?

The main work that the Bone Health Foundation does is to support the undertaking of research into finding solutions to most of the musculoskeletal health related problems that individuals are confronted with on a daily basis in the community. Since its inception in the year 1991, the Bone Health Foundation has provided financial assistance to a number of research institutions that have the sole objective of carrying out researches into the causes and possible permanent treatment methods for such musculoskeletal health issues. This has seen the pumping of more than two million American Dollars ($2 million) by the Bone Health Foundation into various researches that were carried out into bone health.

The Foundation still continues to provide a number of supportive assistance to researches that are conducted in relation to ensuring that humans get to live a healthier and happier life without any bone health issues. This can be seen in the number of current researches that the Foundation has been sponsoring.

The belief within the Foundation is that it is only through the carrying out of successful researches that the true causes of musculoskeletal conditions can be known and how best such conditions can be prevented and treated permanently. This is why the Foundation does everything in its power to sponsor such vital researches to be taken with regards to the health status of the human bone.

Other additional services done by the Foundation is the raising of awareness about musculoskeletal health related conditions and the work that the Bone Health Foundation does towards such a course.

How to get involved with the Bone Health Foundation

The Bone Health Foundation has made it possible for the entire public to get involved with what they do and these ways include;

  • To donate to the Foundation
  • To become a volunteer for the Foundation
  • To carry out fundraising activities in honour of the Foundation
  • To contribute on a periodic interval
  • To match the contributions made by workers within your business organisation

The Foundation encourages the individuals within the various communities to use any of these ways and get involved with what it does.

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