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Brotherhood of St Laurence

The Brotherhood of St Laurence is a non profit charity organization that works for the eradication of poverty in Australia.

The Brotherhood of St Laurence is a non-profit charity organization that works for the eradication of poverty in Australia. Its aim is to set up a better life for all the people and families in need of development and social support. It fosters research and services to devise new policies and programs for the government to implement. It focuses on the children and their families in the early years at home and school. It looks after young people, adults and older people alike who are moving through a period of transition in their lives. It also caters for refugee settlement and money issues.

Vision, Mission and Values


The vision of the Brotherhood is to create a poverty free Australia for generations to come where every individual can participate fully in the social and economic life and treat each other with respect and dignity.


The mission is to foster research and design innovative practices and policies to implement for the betterment of the people of Australia.


The Brotherhood regards the values of Christianity, compassion, generosity of spirit and reliance on evidence.

The Brotherhood Objective:

The objective is to eliminate and eradicate poverty at all levels from the society. It focuses on people at four crucial stages of transition in their lives which define their future prosperity. The four stages are the early years, moving from school to work, a change in work, retirement. Its aim is to become a national voice against poverty and develops policies and programs for its elimination.

Services Offered:

Children and Families: It supports families that are at social and financial disadvantage in the community and provides them services such as child care and family support. Through its programs it helps the children develop literacy and numeracy skills for their long term benefit.

Young People:

It encourages the young people to achieve their educational goals and find satisfying employments and a meaningful life. It offers them training, employment and support services.

Employment and Training:

It provides employment and training to people who have difficulty getting a job. It helps them to develop their personal and professional skills. It offers them professional assistance and services in training.

Older People:

It helps the older people after retirement who often have little social and financial support and betas their isolation through programs providing residential aged care, community care, respite services and carer support. It aims to better the government policies with regard to affordable housing, employment and retirement incomes.

Refugee Settlement:

The organization works with the government and community to help in the settlement of refugees. It offers services focused on family, employment and settlement. It helps to build community support and social inclusion.

Financial Inclusion:

It offers small loans programs to low income earners and gives them a chance to build assets. Community Store: The Brotherhood runs 20 community stores which sell low-cost donated furniture, clothing and household items. It also provides the people a job opportunity and a chance to interact with the community.

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