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Cerebral Palsy Education Centre

The main aim of CPEC is to help mould an individual who is very confident and willing to live a life that is complete.

Who we are

The cerebral palsy education centre (CPEC) is an institution that was established in the year 1987. It was started with just 12 children then but can now boast of having of 100 children who are provided with various supportive services that enable them to take the challenges in life with a renewed and vibrant spirit regardless of them being diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

The aim of CPEC

The main aim of CPEC is to help mould an individual who is very confident and willing to live a life that is complete by putting into work the various knowledge and skills that are needed in life without being discriminated against as a result of his or her sickness.

The vision of CPEC

It is the vision of CPEC to;

  • Create an individual who is ready to live life as he or she wants and not as dictated by cerebral palsy
  • Create a society where the needs of each and every individual with cerebral palsy are adequately met and there is the total elimination of any discriminatory acts towards such people from any community member

The values of CPEC

There are three main values that are cherished by CPEC and these are;

  • To ensure that every service that is rendered to any individual suffering from cerebral palsy is very appropriate
  • To ensure that a very strong relationship is exists between CPEC and the community in order to realise the achievement of an inclusive environment for each and every individual with cerebral palsy
  • To ensure that each and every service that is rendered also has the ability to allow the recipient to develop professionally

Services provided by CPEC

CPEC provides some very specific services that are very essential to the health needs and proper development of any individual with cerebral palsy and these services are;

  • The services rendered to children under the age of six in order to ensure that they are safely and properly introduced into the educational system. This is also referred to as the Early Intervention Services.
  • The services rendered to children under the age of six who are already receiving support from the government’s Better Start for Children with Disability. Such children and their families are taken though various therapies. This service is also referred to as the Better Start Clinic.
  • The services rendered to children who are already in the educational system. This deals with the provision of group therapies and individual support for each and every child. This service is also known as the Extended Educational Services.

These services are provided by the centre by first taking into consideration the need to bring professionals from different disciplines to help in the moulding of the children. This ensures that each and every child has his or her needs well taken care of at the centre.

The models used by CPEC

CPEC uses two very essential models in the rendering of its services to these children and these models are;

  • The Comprehensive Approach which ensures that each and every aspect of the child is adequately integrated into whatever services are being rendered and
  • The Conductive Education which ensures that these children are taken through various motor activities which helps to make them live a life that is very independent

Ways of supporting CPEC

CPEC has some ways through which an individual or institution can also render support to the centre to ensure that children with cerebral palsy are always supported properly in the society and these ways include the following;


Each and every member of the society who wishes to contribute something to what the centre has been doing can use this channel and donate either in cash or through the provision of needed materials which will be used to support those kids with cerebral palsy in the community.

Workplace giving or payroll donations

Employees within a corporate institution can reach a consensus and decide to donate part of their earnings to the centre to help with the support services that it has been providing for children with cerebral palsy. The rate at which such deductions will be made depends solely on when employees get paid. Therefore if employees are paid on a weekly basis then the deductions will be done on a weekly basis and if employees are paid on a monthly basis then the deductions will be done monthly.

Fundraising for the centre

The general public can also seek for the consent of the centre and organise various activities in honour of the centre to help raise funds for the services that are rendered to the children.


Those who are also willing to undertake various activities for the centre by donating their time and energy can also use this channel as it allows them to contribute much needed human resources to the centre.

Other ways include sponsoring an event or child and entering into a partnership with CPEC.

CPEC is an institution that derives less than a third of its resources from the government and therefore the help that is gotten from the general public is very essential to the centre.

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