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Global Concern

Global Concern is an organization that has been active for over 28 years in the fields of education, healthcare, micro enterprise and vocational training.

Global Concern is an organization that has been active for over 28 years in the fields of education, healthcare, micro enterprise and vocational training. The organization provides opportunities to individuals with a disadvantage so that their lives can be better. It is not just a handout, rather it is an organization that watches closely the areas where it sends money to. All projects are monitored closely in order to assure donors that the money is going towards people who genuinely need it. The charity organization is not just a handout, in fact it is working to treat poverty at its extreme.

About the Organization

Global Concern is an organization working in the area of education, health and training in skills for the people of developing countries. It also has food security programs running in different areas of the world with the primary focus on countries that are not developed and need individuals who are empowered to play necessary roles in the society. For development that is sustainable, it is important that communities and individuals are provided with the necessary skills that can play their part in that sustainability and development. This is where Global Concern comes in.

Natural disasters affect developing and third world countries rather more adversely than western and developed countries. Emergency relief is provided by the Global Concern organization by working in development and assistance in disaster struck areas. The focus is to minimize and alleviate poverty in areas that have been hardest hit by disaster.

It is love and concern for the underprivileged that drives the operations of the Global Concern organization. All projects overseas are monitored by the organization itself via the office in Sydney. The organization takes ownership of all the projects that it is running.

Global Concern also has membership of ACFID which is acronym for Australian Council for International Development. It also complies with the code of conduct that has been given by the council. This code of conduct requires members to comply with financial management standards and standards of corporate governance and accountability.

Aims/ Millennium Development Goals

All countries of the world and the leading development institutions have agreed on the blueprint of goals that take into account extreme poverty, universal education at the primary level and the halting of HIV/AIDS. These are known as the eight Millenium Development Goals (MDGs). The needs of the poorest in the world are met through efforts that can’t be matched.


Global Concern in India

The program in India is known as Love Anuppampattu Community Development Program that began from giving sewing classes under the tree with only a single machine. In order to increase earning opportunities of income for local women, this project aimed towards equipping them with sewing skills. Vocational training and sewing took its toll when Global Concern was donated a piece of land. On this a vocational training centre was built in 2005, which then turned into a primary school. Now it gives access to the poor women of the area so that they can develop some skills to improve their income.

This training program includes free training for six months during which females learn how to do sewing professionally. It also runs a saving scheme under which women who are in need of a sewing machine get 50% of the money if they can pay the other 50% of the price. As they graduate from the course, they are given a certificate from the vocational centre to endorse their skills.

Bangladesh Education

Under this program, 2000 children are being given an education in Bangladesh. A large percentage of the children being educated in four schools under Global Concern are girls. They are given one hot meal a day along with clean water, school books, sanitation facilities and new clothes on Christmas. A physical education program has also been introduced recently. Together all this aims towards making these kids good citizens who can develop a sense of worth that is essential if they are to develop. There are also micro enterprise programs such as van/rickshaws that are given to men so that they can earn their incomes after exemption from the rent and fees that they have to pay. This enables these men to better provide for families and pay off their debts.

Togo Health Clinic

For many many kilometres, Togo Health Clinic is the only health facility as Midawokope Togo. The project began with the help of supporters in 2003 and the first building was constructed in 2005. The clinic is treating basic health issues and also providing awareness to the villagers on issues like HIV/AIDS, personal hygiene, maternal health and child care. This is done through home to home visits where medical officers from the health centre talk to men and women about personal hygiene, child vaccination, maternal health and childcare. They also raise awareness about family planning options and medical advice during pregnancy. Simple first aid is also given during these visits while the more serious patients are sent to the medical centre. The project is funded through the donations that come from the people of Australia. Currently Global Concern is looking for more donors regarding the medical centre since cost of new medical equipment and ongoing staff costs need to to be met.

Food Security Project

This program in Malawi and Zambia treats malnutrition at the grass root level, that is, better food production. It addresses the shortage of food at the production level where farmers and producers are taught about techniques that can improve availability of food and create more production. After eight years, the project is seeing 1000% greater harvest than when it started.

Get involved

Volunteers can get involved with the organization through donations and other means. Workplace giving is also possible with the organization where Global Concern gets in touch with the organization on your behalf if you are interested in workplace giving. There are different donorship programs like sponsoring a child and sponsoring a whole project.

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