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I Give a Buck Foundation of Australia

I Give a Buck Foundation of Australia provides a number of high quality services to children who have been diagnosed with very chronic health conditions.

About us

The I Give a Buck Foundation of Australia was established to provide a number of high quality services to children who have been diagnosed with very chronic health conditions and their families. It was also formed to see to it that the trauma that family members of such a child go through is reduced.

The I Give a Buck Foundation of Australia is a charity organization that is mainly focused on providing support services to children who have been diagnosed to have any of the terminal sicknesses.

What do we do?

  • The main activity of the Foundation is to see to it that those families with children with chronic sicknesses have the financial burden that comes with such conditions taken away from their shoulders by the Foundation.
  • The I Give a Buck Foundation of Australia sees to it that the right and appropriate assistance is provided to children who are very sick in order that these children can also enjoy life as each and every normal child does.
  • These services rendered by the Foundation also help, in certain cases, to increase the life span of such children.
  • The Foundation also sees to it that various appeals are made in order to support children who are terminally ill.
  • It also organises fundraising events with the sole objective of helping to raise vital financial support for the various children with terminal sicknesses throughout the whole of Australia.
  • Another activity that is undertaken by the I Give a Buck Foundation of Australia is the providing of iPads to each and every child who has been diagnosed with a terminal sickness.
  • It also uses its CHAMPS program (CHildren Achieve their Maximum Potential) to ensure that children with chronic ailments also do get the chance to make the best out of their lives.

These are the various activities which are undertaken by the Foundation to see to it that each and every child who is very ill gets provided with services that enhance their lives and in some situations makes it possible for them to live longer than they are expected to.

Since the establishment of this Foundation, a lot of children and their families have benefited from the various support services provided by the Foundation and many others are still benefiting from it.

Funds that are realised from the various events undertaken by the Foundation are used in procuring various equipments and other services which are all given to the children.

How to get involved with what we do

Donate to the Foundation

This is about the making of donations to the Foundation with the aim of helping it to keep supporting terminally sick children. The Foundation has put in place various strategies which allow an individual or an organization to make a donation to the Foundation on the following basis;

  1. Weekly
  2. Monthly
  3. A one-time donation
  4. A yearly donation or even every three months

The Foundation also allows you to dictate how your donation should be used in supporting the children.

Fundraise for the Foundation

This is about an individual or a group of people accepting to organise fundraising events for the Foundation with its consent. The activities that are undertaken at the event are all aimed at raising vital funds for the Foundation to keep rendering its services to those kids who are seriously sick.

Becoming a champion of the Foundation

This is about setting up fundraising events on the website of the Foundation and helping to raise financial and material support for the terminally ill children.

Becoming a business champion

This also deals with the going into partnerships with business organizations with the aim of helping each other. The business organization provides the Foundation with various support services whilst the Foundation also renders essential services to the business organization. This is a Win- Win situation as no party loses anything with the partnerships.

Becoming a volunteer

This deals with the provision of an avenue for people to render various services for the Foundation without being forced to do perform such activities. The work of volunteers is always very important to the Foundation as they are the people who help with a lot of the services that we provide for the children and these people always work free of charge as they do not ask for any form of payment in return for the work that they do.

Leaving of a bequest

This is a way through which an individual can also support the Foundation even when he or she is dead and gone. It gives people the chance to help the Foundation by allocating part of their properties to it and so when they pass away the particular property is given to the Foundation.

Placing of a collection box at a vantage point at where you work

This is also another way through which you can raise funds for the Foundation as putting such collection boxes at vantage points gives people the chance to also contribute to the work of the Foundation.

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