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Mackay Central State School

Giving children a very strong educational foundation so that future learning tasks can be smoothly performed without any undue difficulties.

About us

The Mackay Central State School is an educational institution that has been in existence for some time now. It was established with the main objective of helping to provide holistic development to each and every child through a quality educational environment. The Mackay Central State School is an institution that recognises the essence of giving children a very strong educational foundation so that future learning tasks can be smoothly performed without any undue difficulties.

What is the mission of the Mackay Central State School?

It is the mission of the Mackay Central State School to provide young children with a holistic plan that will help them develop positively and face all educational challenges with an inspiration that is very genuine and not externally generated.

What is the vision of the Mackay Central State School?

The vision is to use educational means to make sure that children are given the best opportunity to realise their dreams and full potentials in their individual lives.

What are the values of the Mackay Central State School?

The Mackay Central State School has the following values;

  1. Holistic development of all students up to the age of seven (7) years
  2. The use of a child-centred educational approach to the teaching and learning process
  3. The creation of a collaborative environment
  4. The provision of an educational environment that gives children the chance to learn and develop well

What services are provided by the Mackay Central State School?

Due to the fact that the Mackay Central State School is an educational institution, the main service that it renders is;

The provision of high quality education to children

The Mackay Central State School provides quality educational facilities and resources that help with equipping the students with the right foundation upon which further studies can be built. These services are provided by experienced professionals in the field of early childhood education and as such they take children through the appropriate educational methods which ensure their holistic development. There also are adequate resources that provide children with a very interactive educational environment within which they can learn.

Aside the provision of quality educational services to the students, the Mackay Central State School also provides the following services;

The instrumental music program

This is a program that gives students that chance to take lessons in instrumental music by learning to play any instrument that he or she likes. Children who opt for lessons in this program are also given the chance to take part in instrumental music competitions that are organised periodically.

The provision of sporting activities

This involves the creation of an avenue where students can participate in a variety of sporting activities that are filled with fun as it helps them to exercise their muscles whilst also taking some time out of the tedious classroom work. The School also participates in a number of sporting events are students are given the chance to show their skills to the whole community.

The provision of an association for teachers and community members

This is provided in the form of a Parent’s and Citizens Association which helps to bring all those involved with educating the students together so that ideas concerning how to take the School forward can be shared.

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