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Napranum PaL Group

Established as an Indigenous non-profit organisation implementing and managing a home based program for parent engagement.

Napranum PaL Group (NPG) was established as an Indigenous non-profit organisation implementing and managing a home based program for parent engagement known as Parents and Learning (PaL). The PaL program accords supports to parents to effectively take part in the early literacy learning of their young kid by offering training and resources which get delivered to the home of the family.

Initially developed as an Indigenous community based in Western Cape York Peninsula, the program has since grown and expanded to some 20 communities spread throughout Australia. This includes some remote communities in the Cape York and Kimberley Peninsula as well as some other Western Australia parts, Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales.

Napranum PaL Group Ltd History

The PaL program by the Napranum PaL Group (NPG), developed and given trials in 2001 in Napranum, was the final outcome of a joint effort between many players. Among these were the Napranum preschool staff, parents, early childhood educators, and the members of the Napranum community. The initial seed funding came from The Rio Tinto Aboriginal Foundation which was what made it possible for the realization of the concept.

The Napranum Preschool PaL Group in 2004 was set up as a non-profit limited company by guarantee and is governed by a special board composed of community and Indigenous members.

The Vision

Being a strong and proud Indigenous organisation, the Group’s Vision is that each kid be fairly offered the chance of realizing their full and maximum potential, having the full backing of a community that is confident, empowered, and capable behind them.

The Napranum PaL Group Objectives

The Napranum PaL Group has been giving its backing to the expansion and additional refinement of the Parents and Learning Program (PaL), making it possible to reach 20 Indigenous communities that are scattered throughout Australia.

Through program delivery and implementation, children as well as adults are being facilitated in the process of education. Parents are being accorded the training and support that will make it possible for them to sort of assist their children be prepared for school. In addition, the grownups are being given useful training and gainful employment.

The Napranum PaL Group Ltd Intent

The PaL program supports families to become involved in their child’s learning through providing training and resources which go towards helping in the growth of the kid’s early numeracy and literacy skills.

  • The PaL program is flexible, able to accommodate differences that are present in the communities.
  • It employs and engages locally based community people, hence building their capacity and boosting pride in both tutors and the parents.
  • The program in as much as it targets the children, is also aiming at parental empowerment and development.

The Partners

The sustainability of NPG and the future continuity of the Parents and Learning (PaL) program depend largely on the kind generosity of partners and supporters.

Since its beginning in 200, financial support coming from philanthropic, corporate and federal government bodies is what has been enabling the Parents and Learning to grow and to even expand on its reach to children and families throughout Australia. The Napranum PaL Group is also getting enormous motivation and encouragement as well as in-kind support coming from businesses and community groups that are giving their time generously.

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