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National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect

The National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) is Australias leading advocate for the prevention of child abuse and neglect.

Rosemary Sinclair AO and Christine Stewart OAM co-founded NAPCAN (National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect) in 1987. NAPCAN since then, by promoting and developing effective prevention programs and strategies, has made major contribution to the wellbeing and safety of young people and children in Australia by raising awareness to the public about child neglect and abuse and the impacts.

Governed by board directors, NAPCAN has a team of highly experienced policy, advocacy and program staff located in Australia. Additionally NAPCAN has support from a widespread network of practitioners, professionals and the concerned individuals that donate their expertise and time to support the prevention strategies. This is a "for purpose" establishment which retains both and public benevolent institution (PBI) and deductible gift recipient (DGR) legal status with the Tax Office of Australia.

  • National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect is the leading advocate in Australia in prevention of child neglect and abuse.
  • The vision that NAPCAN has is where young people and children are nurtured, valued and free from abuse, violence and neglect.
  • It partners with governments , committed individuals, organizations and communities across Australia and also internationally it partners with organizations, communities, governments, and committed individuals throughout Australia and globally towards implementing strength-based, community-led practices and initiatives to boost and improve the wellbeing and safety of young people and children.
  • NAPCAN impacts practice and policy through developing frameworks for assessing the effect of community-led programs and initiatives.
  • It promotes the protection and wellbeing of young people and children – encouraging everybody to play their role towards keeping young people and children safe from abuse, violence, and neglect.

The Issue

Child neglect and abuse is one of the most important social problems in Australia. Over the previous year, in excess of over 35,000 Australian kids children proven to have undergone abuse or were neglected.

The phrase 'child abuse' in Australia includes:

  • Physical abuse
  • Psychological abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Neglect
  • Exposure to Family Violence

Child abuse is seldom a one off event and is at all times harmful. Children in their tens of thousands are physically and/or psychologically harmed every year or are dying from the adverse impact of child neglect and abuse. Too frequently that damage will last an entire lifetime.

Child abuse and neglect is known to raise the risks of:

  • Homelessness
  • Poor physical health
  • Educational failure
  • Substance abuse and addiction
  • Poor employability prospects
  • Crime
  • Depression & suicide

As a consequence, past victims of neglect and abuse are grossly over-represented among the populations of the prisons, mainly as perpetrators of violence and crime, and among the socially and economically disadvantaged society members.

Owing to the size of the whole problem, and the emotional, psychological, and physical damage which could result, child neglect and abuse represents one of the biggest threats and barriers to the wellbeing and safety of Australian young people, children, and the coming generation of adults and children. It impacts emotional, mental, and physical health, levels of crime and violence, addiction levels, educational accomplishment and employment.

The effects could be life-long and it has scientifically been proven that the abuse and neglect perpetration could also be easily passed on to the future generations. Proven cases of neglect and abuse that affect indigenous Australian children average at least 6 times more than it does the broader national population.

The NAPCAN Strategy

The strategy is to bring about necessary changes in community and individual behaviour to put a stop to child neglect and abuse before it begins through:

The promotion of quality research on child abuse prevention

The promotion of quality research into child abuse so that the triggers and effect of child neglect and abuse could be better comprehended and effective prevention methods could be generated and measured.

Advocating and promoting for child safe strategies and policies

To advocate for policies and strategy changes that will place the wellbeing of young people and children first.

To promote the PLAY YOUR PART and coordinate National Child Protection Week and initiative.

The Coordinating National Child Protecting Week as well as the Play Your Part initiatives aims towards shifting social norms and making the provision of a secure/safe community for young people and children a national concern that is shared by all the people of Australia. NAPCAN’s role is to offer educational resources and information to ensure communities and individuals have the skills and knowledge needed for action in large or small ways to support young children and their families and trim down child neglect and abuse in Australia.

To demonstrate good practice

To develop and promote community led prevention initiatives and programs which are effective and evidenced based in cutting down the risk of child neglect and abuse.

NAPCAN Governance

National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect is governed and managed by a National Board of Directors that brings professional vast expertise in legal, finance research, communications and marketing.


NAPCAN is working in close collaboration with a wide range of government, NGO, corporate, research and philanthropic organizations.

  • Philanthropic Supporters
  • Research & Academic
  • Government
  • Non-Government
  • Pro Bono Support

Support Us

There are numerous ways through which corporate and business organizations could play an active role towards promoting the safety and wellbeing of children:

  • Ensuring work practices child friendly
  • Supporting financially advocacy work of NAPCAN
  • Sponsoring specific activities, events and programs
  • Offering practical assistance and expertise towards supporting the attainment of NAPCAN objectives


By supporting NAPCAN through a donation, you’re assisting in fulfilling the mission of ensuring the wellbeing and safety of every child in Australia.

NAPCAN relies on the bigheartedness of people just like you to prevent child neglect and abuse.


Bequests may be simple but extraordinarily powerful ways of providing support for those causes which matter most to you.

Types of Bequests:

Residuary bequest

This is a gift of anything get left of your entire estate (or even percentage of it) after every one of your other gifts, plus debts and taxes have been met. Being not specific set of money, this kind of bequest maintains its value of inflation over the passage of years.

Pecuniary bequest

This refers to leaving behind a gift of a particular set dollar amount which you determine when drawing up your Will or altering it.

Specific bequest

This refers to leaving a gift of a specific value item to be passed/handed over to NAPCAN in so as generate more funds.

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