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Parkhurst State School

The Parkhurst State School is an educational institution that has been established to help with the provision quality educational services to each student.

Who we are

The Parkhurst State School is an educational institution that has been established to help with the provision of a number of quality educational services to each and every individual who is a student of the School. The School has over the years been concerned with the rendering of such educational services by the collaboration of the teachers, the parents of the students and the entire community. This has seen to it that students get the chance to develop in a way that is very sustaining as they are able to make use of such proper educational and social upbringing even when they finish the school.

What is the vision of the Parkhurst State School?

The vision of the Parkhurst State School is to see to it that each and every learner acquires the skills of literacy and numeracy through learning in an environment that ensures their safety and happiness to learn.

The values of Parkhurst State School

  • To be respectful of each and every individual
  • To show a sense of responsibility
  • To show commitment to our work
  • To be resilient
  • To build lasting relationships with people

The mission of Parkhurst State School

It is the mission of the Parkhurst State School to ensure that each and every individual student gets the chance to realise his or her maximum potential.

Activities that Parkhurst State School uses to create an engaging educational environment

The Parkhurst State School makes use of a number of activities that are organised within by the school to ensure that students become actively involved with the teaching and learning process. Some of the activities organised by the school include;

The Balloon Rocket Challenge

This is a challenge that asks students to build a rocket by using a balloon and other materials in order to find the balloon that could go longest distance within the shortest time.

The Documentary Challenge

This challenge activity deals with the creation of a documentary by students in partnership with their teachers with regards to certain things that happen within the school. Those who were found to have excelled in areas such as originality among others were awarded.

The Mathematics Team Challenge

This involves the undertaken of various mathematical challenges with the aim to coming out with a team that was able to solve the provided questions correctly.

Other equally important activities include the following;

  • The Class Canvas Challenge
  • The Fashion Design Challenge
  • The Quiz Show Challenge
  • The Problem Solving Challenge

The Parkhurst State School also partakes in a number of co-curricular activities that are aimed at creating a properly educated learner. Some of these co-curricular activities include the following;

  • The organising of excursions to various places of attraction and camps
  • The provision of an Instrumental Music Program
  • The Parkhurst Idol event
  • The organising of intra-school sporting activities
  • Inter-schools sporting events
  • Provisions of lessons relating to how to swim
  • Participating in the quiz competition organised by the University of New South Wales
  • The organising of a music program

These are some of the co-curricular activities that the Parkhurst State School participates in and through that the students are able to better work on their socialization skills.

The Parkhurst State School has also established a way of helping to better mould the behaviour of each and every individual student. This it does through the Responsible Behaviour Plan which seeks to ensure that student apply the five main core values of the School in everything that they do. Through this Responsible Behaviour Plan, students are able to graduate from the school as individuals who have been totally transformed into a new state where they become very useful to themselves and the community as a whole.

How you can also help the Parkhurst State School

There are two major ways through which you can also help the Parkhurst State School and these are;

To volunteer at our Tuckshop

This deals with the undertaking of services that are aimed at raising funds for the School.

To participate in the fundraising activities of the School

The Parkhurst State School organises a number of events throughout the year, specifically on the second Friday of every month, aimed at helping to raise essential funds. The general public can partake in the various activities that are held and contribute to the School. These resources are then used to provide additional educational services to the students.

Achievements of the Parkhurst State School

The School has chalked a number of achievements and some of them include;

  1. It is one of the few Microsoft Worldwide Pathfinder Schools
  2. It was also recognised as the Promethean Centre of Excellence in the year 2009
  3. In the same 2009, it got presented with the State Showcase Award for Excellence
  4. It is also part of the Australian Microsoft Innovative Schools Program

The Parkhurst State School seeks to develop students who are unique.

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