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Rafiki Mwema

Rafiki Mwema was established to provide a place for each and every young girl under the age of twelve (12) years who has been sexually harassed before.

Who we are

Rafiki Mwema which simply means a Loyal Friend is an initiative of Pay Kenya. It was established to provide a place for each and every young girl under the age of twelve (12) years who has been sexually harassed before. This motive was based on the fact that the number of young girls under the age of 12 years who were constantly being abused was increasing with the passing of each and every single day. There was therefore the need to see to it that such a negative trend in the society was stopped in order to ensure the safety of each and every young girl who lives in the community. This is how Rafiki Mwema came to be established and it has lived up to its reputation of providing a safer environment for each and every child who has been a victim of sexual abuse in the community.

What is the vision of the Rafiki Mwema?

It is the vision of the Rafiki Mwema Foundation to see to it that each and every female child under the age of 12 years gets provided with an environment that helps them to come to reconcile with the fact that life still goes on even in their condition.

What is the aim of the Rafiki Mwema Foundation?

The aim is to help with the creation of a place where young girls will be safe, secured and well protected from the claws of such perverts in the community.

What does Rafiki Mwema value most?

The Foundation values the following;

  • Being loyal to others
  • Trust
  • Love
  • Empathy

Projects undertaken by Rafiki Mwema

The Rafiki Mwema Foundation undertakes certain projects with the aim of help to further improve the environment that has been created for these young girls. Currently, there are two main programs that are being undertaken by the Rafiki Mwema Foundation and these two are;

The Rafiki Mwema Safe Link and A vehicle for Rafiki Mwema

The Rafiki Mwema Safe Link

This is a project which the Foundation wishes to initiate in order to ensure that the safety of each and every young girl who has been sexually abused is safeguarded at all times. This project was mainly created due to the various instances where these young girls had to be in the courtroom in person in order to provide the jury with evidence as to what really happened. In all of these situations, the girls are allowed to be questioned by the perpetrator which is a way of further deepening the psychological problems of the young girl. Most of these girls are unable to live a normal life again after going through such a traumatic period. For this reason, the Rafiki Mwema Foundation petitioned the Courts for them to allow these young girls give evidence in the form of a video which will be played at the courtroom. This is to ensure that these young girls are not subjected to the trauma, fear and agony of having to encounter their abuser face to face again.

A vehicle for Rafiki Mwema Project

This project is also one of the initiatives of the Rafiki Mwema Australia Foundation. The main idea behind this project is to see to it that vehicles that have the ability to be used on almost any type of road are provided. This is to ensure that each and every young girl within Kenya who gets sexually assaulted is reached in time and the proper therapeutic services offered to her. The nature and condition of roads leading to some of the places where the Rafiki Mwema Australia Foundation is supposed to be providing supportive services are so deteriorated that not many vehicles can be used on such roads. This has mostly provided a stumbling block to the Foundation in its bid to reach out to each and every sexually abused young girl under the age of 12 years old in Kenya. It is for this reason that “A Vehicle for Rafiki Mwema Project” has been launched to help raise funds that will be used in the purchasing of vehicles that can be used on mostly all types of road terrains.

How you can get involved with the Rafiki Mwema Australia Foundation

The Foundation largely depends on the support that it receives from the general public and as such has some measures put in place to allow anyone interested the chance to also render his or her support to the Foundation. These ways include;

Become a sponsor

This involves the filling of a sponsorship form which allows you to be deducted AUD50 at the end of every month to be used towards caring for the needs of a single girl.

Make a donation

This involves the making of a donation to the Rafiki Mwema Australia Foundation through the following ways;

  1. By Direct Deposit
  2. By Debit Card

Buy stuffs from the store of Rafiki Mwema

This involves the purchasing items like tote bags and mugs.

Rafiki Mwema seeks your support in order to better assist the young girls who are being sexually abused in the community.

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