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Ridgehaven Primary School

The Ridgehaven Primary School provides children from preschool up to the age of seven with inclusive educational facilities and resources.

Who we are

The Ridgehaven Primary School is an educational institution that provides children from preschool up to the age of seven with inclusive educational facilities and resources that ensures the total development of each and every child who gets to be educated there. The school has a tradition of ensuring that the educating of the child is done by collaborating with each of the people concerned and that is – the school and its teachers, the parents and most importantly the children who are the students to be taught. This type of educating the younger ones is further highlighted in the motto of the school which reads, “A Community Learning Together”.

Our vision

The vision of the Ridgehaven Primary School is to educate children in an inclusive way that ensures their holistic development.

Our mission

It is the mission of the Ridgehaven Primary School to provide children with all the needed environmental resources that help them to learn in the best way that they can.

Our values

The Ridgehaven Primary School has a number of values that it uses in the provision of all services aimed at helping to develop and educate the children and these are;

  • To show care and love
  • To be honest
  • To strive to be the best
  • To be respectful of each and every individual
  • To display a sense of responsibility

These are the five (5) core values that the Ridgehaven Primary School makes use of in the course of helping to educate the younger ones in the community.

The school makes sure that parents and for that matter the entire community participates or takes active part in the things that the school does with regards to educating the students. This makes the Ridgehaven Primary School to be recognised as a school of the community, by the community and for the community.

Services provided by the Ridgehaven Primary School for the students

The Ridgehaven Primary School provides a number of services for the students aside the normal classroom teachings and some of these services include;

The cyber safety program

This is a program which makes it possible for students and their parents to be provided with professional information with regards to ensuring that their children are safe during those times that they go online to make use of the internet. This program helps to keep the children away from the various harmful and fraudulent sites and activities like cyber bullying that are littered on the internet.

Safe ways of using the internet

This is a service that deals with the provision of safety tips that are meant for the students to ensure that they remain safe when on the internet.

Study ladder service

The study ladder service is one of the main services which have gained a lot of popularity among the entire student body. It is a program that is accessible through the World Wide Web which provides students with a variety of ways through which they can learn on their own in a very engaging and entertaining way without any limitations. This means that students with different learning capabilities can just log in and start learning in a fun-filled way on the study ladder which was created by the instructors within the school.

It also gives the students the chance to make use of a variety of learning resources that are all made available for the smooth learning of the students.

The study ladder has resources and materials for each and every subject or course that is studied in the school and as such people can practice anything that they learnt in school on the site when they get home.

The student mathethon

This is one of the most engaging and interactive activities available for students. This is a game which seeks to serve two major purposes which are;

  1. To ensure that the students become very conversant with their numeracy facts
  2. To use in helping to raise essential financial resources for the school

These are the two major benefits of the mathethon. Its ability to help student sharpen their numeracy skills cannot be rivalled and it can also at the same time by used by the school to help raise funds for the undertaking of various projects. The best part of it all is that it is absolutely free and can be used by any other educational institution.

The Ridgehaven Primary School works hand in hand with the parents and the entire community to ensure that the educational, social, psychological, mental and religious needs of the students are properly and adequately provided for. There is no denying of the fact that children or students learn are able to learn very well when their parents are involved with the education. This is why Ridgehaven Primary School has made it a priority to create an educational environment that is very inclusive in the sense that it brings the parents, teachers and students together in the educating of the child.

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