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RSPCA Queensland

RSPCA Queensland's aim to see that there is a complete downturn on the abuse of animals, cruelty towards animals and the neglect of animals by their owners.

RSPCA Queensland Prize Home 50-51
Tickets from $30
RSPCA Queensland
Draw 50-51

This is the oldest art union which has for a very long time been providing charitable services to the entire Queensland community. It is our aim to see that there is a complete downturn on the abuse of animals, cruelty towards animals and the neglect of animals by their owners. For life to be very meaningful and enjoyable to all and sundry, every aspect and part of the environment must be protected. That is why RSPCA QLD Art Union has for a very long time now been leading the fight to ensure all types of animals are well catered for by creating a very conducive environment which will support their growth and development without any hindrances.

Our Objectives as a Charitable Organization

RSPCA QLD Art Union has clearly outlined goals that it works effortlessly and continuously to ensure that such goals are attained and these goals include;

  • To stand up for animals (both the domesticated animals and wild animals) who are being subjected to all sorts and forms of abuse
  • To care for neglected or unwanted animals found within the Queensland Community
  • To rescue animals from whatever danger they may be in
  • To investigate all complaints of cruel treatments being meted out to animals or animals that have been neglected by their owners
  • To admit and treat all injured animals within Queensland - both the domestic animals and the wild animals
  • To find new and loving homes for domestic animals rendered homeless

These are but just a few of the goals which RSPCA QLD Art Union has set and seeks to achieve them at all times. These goals are made achievable through the provision of the following services by RSPCA QLD Art Union;

  • An ambulance service that is always ready to go on animal rescue missions
  • A wildlife hospital that caters for all animals found to be injured or homeless
  • An investigative department which takes charge of all investigations relating to cruelty towards animals and their total or partial neglect

Vision of the RSPCA QLD Art Union

It is the hope of the RSPCA QLD Art Union to create an environment where;

  • All animals will not be subjected to any form of cruelty
  • All animals will be provided with homes where the owners are very loving and caring towards their animals
  • All injured animals will be well catered for and treated of all their injuries

Above all, it is the main vision of the RSPCA QLD Art Union to create a very conducive environment that is capable of sustaining both man and animals.

Funding for the RSPCA QLD Art Union

The RSPCA QLD Art Union is mainly funded by the proceeds from the RSPCA QLD Art Union lottery tickets that are sold to the members of the Queensland community. Therefore, the majority of our funds are gotten directly from the entire Queensland community.

The RSPCA QLD Art Union is a financially supported by its Ongoing Pet Supporters Club. The Ongoing Pet Supporters Club is made up of animal lovers who do their might to see to it that each and every animal within Queensland is well catered for. This they do through the donations they make as membership donations.

Achievements of the RSPCA QLD Art Union

From the inception of the RSPCA Art Union, it has chalked some monumental achievements which are unparalleled when it comes to rendering charitable services to animals. It is the number one charity organization that has for so many years taken to be the voice for all types and forms of animals. Some of the major achievements of the RSPCA QLD Art Union for just the past year include;

  • Caring for over 40,000 animals that were either neglected or abused by their owners
  • Investigating over 18,000 cases of reported cruel treatments meted out to animals
  • Saw to the rescue of more than 27,000 animals with the help of the Animal Ambulances
  • Used their Wildlife Hospital to admit around 14,000 animals that were either injured or displaced
  • Also saw to the relocation and re-homing of over 16,000 pets to new homes which guarantees the safety of the animals

How does the RSPCA QLD Art Union achieve all this?

The above landmark achievements by RSPCA QLD Art Union were all made possible through the institution of two major groups namely; the RSPCA QLD Art Union and the Ongoing Pet Supporters Club

  • The RSCPA Queensland Art Union Lottery: With this, proceeds from the lottery draws held throughout the year are sent to the various departments tasked with providing better conditions of life for all animals. Every ticket sold by the RSPCA QLD Art Union is an indirect way of making a donation towards bettering the lives of animals within Queensland.


  • The Ongoing Pet Supporters Club: This is a club which offers membership status to all who wish to help in whatever way they can to see to it that all animals found within our community are well taken care of. Becoming a member of this noble club means you get to pay monthly dues which are then used in supporting all the animal care activities that are undertaken by the union. By paying your monthly dues to the Ongoing Pet Supporters Club, you also get an entry into all the six (6) Art Unions every year. This means that whilst you are caring for the animals, you also get the chance to win any of the prizes at stake.

It is with these two main Unions that RSPCA QLD Art Union smoothly sees to the running of it animal care charity organization.

When it comes to the longest serving animal caring charity organization in the Queensland community, RSPCA QLD Art Union has no equal. No animal is considered as being more important than the others - they are all made equal and treated with equal love, care and affection that will enhance their development within the community.

Animals were created for a purpose and from the beginning of days they have always provided man with so much so why don't you help RSPCA QLD Art Union to return the favour by caring for all the needs of these very adorable companions who have been with us for such a very long time.

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