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Seville Primary School

The Seville Primary School was established in 1887 and has since been providing a variety of educational services to children within the community.

Who we are

The Seville Primary School was established in the year 1887 and has since that time been providing a variety of educational services to children within the community. This is a School that has for such a very long time now been educating students in a very unique way and this can be seen it the provision of Auslan language which is also known as the language for those who are hearing impaired in Australia. Aside English language, Auslan is the other language that is taught in the school and it helps with the idea of creating an inclusive environment that is at the same time very conducive for teaching and learning.

What is the mission of the Seville Primary School?

The mission of the Seville Primary School is to ensure that an inclusive educational environment is created which allows students to be united in their climbing of the academic ladder.

What is the vision of the Seville Primary School?

The vision of the School is to see to it that children within the community are brought up and educated in a way that involves each and every parent in the community. In doing this, the students will be better placed to learn in a very positive environment.

What are the core values of the Seville Primary School?

The Seville Primary School values the following;

  • To learn in a positive way
  • To be respectful towards each and every person
  • To learn in a fun-filled environment
  • To ensure that each and every individual is safe at all times
  • To also put in all our energy into the teaching and learning process
  • These are the core values which the Seville Primary School cherishes and it is through being committed to these values that the vision of the School can be achieved.

    In order to also ensure that these values are adhered to at all times, the Seville Primary School has instituted a system which seeks to reward each and every student who made effective and efficient use of the core values of the School on a weekly basis. This has helped to ensure that students are always in sync with the values of the School.

    What are the programs offered by the Seville Primary School?

    The Seville Primary School provides students with a wide range of learning programs that are aimed at developing their entire being. Some of these programs include the following;

    • Individualised instrumentals on keyboarding and playing of guitar program and the whole group program
    • The Auslan language program
    • The Health and Physical Education Program

    These are the newly added programs to what the School already provides for its students. The provision of these programs are mainly based on the fact that the School is always on its toes to try and create better learning environments for each and every individual student so that they will also realise how good they can be when the right materials and conditions are created for them.

    The Seville Primary School has also seen to it that an educational system which makes adequate use of the youthful energy and the experience of the old are used in striking a balance between the best methods to use to teach the students. In this regard, the School has teachers who are in their youthful stages and also teachers who have taught for quite a very long time now. This technique helps to provide students with a variety of ways through which they can learn and it also allows teachers to learn from each other in order to gain more insight into the teaching of the students at Seville Primary School.

    One major area where the Seville Primary School has also consistently catered for is the inclusion of parents and community members into the system of educating their children. This has provided a lot of benefits to the school as well as the community. It is a known fact that when parents and teachers join forces in order to educate children, there is always the highest tendency that such children will end up becoming well educated and develop in a way that will have a positive impact on their lives even years after they have graduated from such a school. This is why the Seville Primary School has various ways through which the parents and community members can also get involved with educating the students.

    How the parents and community members can help

    The following ways are provided to allow the parents and members of the community to also provide their support to the Seville Primary School with regards to the proper upbringing of the students;

    1. To undertake cooking activities at the school’s canteen
    2. To serve as a classroom help
    3. To help with the managing of the school garden
    4. To join the school council or sub committee

    These are just a few of the services that parents can offer to the school in order to ensure that their kids develop in the best way.

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