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Shine for Kids Charity Organization

SHINE for Kids Co-operative Ltd is a registered charity supporting children with a parent in the criminal justice system.

Who we are

The SHINE for Kids Charity organization was formed in the year 1982 to provide support for children who had their parents or guardians in prison. It was then referred to as the Children of Prisoners’ Support Group. The organization was established to see to it that children of prisoners are not left exposed to the various negative impacts that such situations tend to have on the kids. The organization has since then been providing various assistive services to both children and the families of people who have been sent to prison.

Our mission

It is the mission of SHINE to help make such kids very hopeful and inspired so that they can develop in a way that will allow them to achieve their maximum potentials in life even in the midst of their guardians or parents being sent to prison.

It is also the mission of the organization to help fill the void that has been created by the imprisoned parent or guardian so that the child does not get exposed to the negative effects of having such a void created in one’s life at such a tender age.

Our vision

It is the vision of SHINE to see to it that each gets the opportunity of having a future where he or she can become the best person he or she can ever be even in the absence of the parent or guardian.

Values of the SHINE for Kids Charity organization

The organization cherishes the following values dearly and they are;

To use integrity and a child-centred approach in helping to ensure that each and every child who has his or her parent or guardian in prison gets empowered to become very successful in life.

Services provided by the SHINE for Kids Charity organization

The SHINE for Kids Charity organization provides the following services;

  • The provision of child and family centres which makes it very conducive for children and other family members to visit an inmate without which helps them from exposure to some of the negative things of a prison.
  • The provision of casework services which are aimed at helping to enhance the relationship between the child and his or her parent who is in prison.
  • The provision of contact services which also functions in a similar way as the casework services. These services are also aimed at strengthening the relationship between the child and the parent who is in prison.
  • The provision of group work services which deals with the organising of various events which helps to bring children who have their parents in prison to interact and share their various life experiences with their peers.
  • The provision of mentors who provide children of prisoners with a chance to live a normal life that is free from all stress and discriminations in the society.
  • The provision of research and advocacy services which allows the personnel at SHINE and children of prisoners to engage in activities that are aimed at helping to educate the entire community to accept and treat such kids with the same respect and recognition that they will use in treating a child who does not have any parent in prison.

These services are all geared towards helping to ensure that each and every child who has his or her parent(s) in prison gets their void or space created well filled up by the provision of services that are full of love and care.

Why is SHINE for Kids Charity organization important in the community?

The organization is very important in the community due to the various supportive services that it provides to children of prisoners. Whenever a child gets his or her parent sent to prison, a void is created in the life of that child and such a child also becomes the target of various discriminatory comments and attitudes from members of the community. This makes it very difficult for such a child to develop properly and also it destroys the relationship that exists between the child and the parent in prison. The organization therefore seeks to help eliminate such things from the society and also make it very conducive for the children to obtain their maximum potentials without any discrimination.

How to help the organization with its activities

There are a lot of ways through which you can help the organization and these include;

  • Make a donation on weekly, monthly, yearly or a one-off basis to the organization.
  • Take active part in the Easter egg fundraising event that is organised by the organization.
  • Leave a bequest and be remembered as an individual who affects the lives of others in a positive way even in death.
  • Agree to sponsor kids during the Children’s Variety Extravaganza.
  • Agree to become a volunteer.
  • Organise your own private fundraiser for the organization.

These are the ways through which the general public are allowed to get involved with what SHINE for Kids does in the community.

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