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SSR Queensland Back to School Flood Appeal

State Schools Relief Queensland aims to see to it that every child in Queensland gets provided with the basic school clothing to keep them in school.

Who we are

The State Schools Relief Queensland is an association that has decided to see to it that all children schooling within the government schools in Victoria are provided with the much needed educational materials and resources that helps them to concentrate and take an active part in whatever they are taught in school.

Even though education has been seen as the major instrument that can be used in the fight against poverty, most people are concerned with the provision of better educational facilities like books and classrooms and quality lesson delivery methods as the main ways through which that can be achieved. This is a very huge misconception which has led to a lot of children dropping out of school even though they had all the books and classroom facilities which were supposed to make it easier for them to study.

What has been the major contributing factor of most children dropping out of school?

This is a question the State Schools Relief Queensland sought to answer and upon carefully researching the various options, it was realised that the major contributing factor to most children dropping out of school is related to the lack of school clothing (school uniform and footwear). Children without any of these essential things prefer to stay at home rather than to be in school and be laughed at or bullied. Those who are also brave enough to stay in the classroom do not get the peace of mind to concentrate on what is being taught. This is why the State Schools Relief Queensland seeks to provide children in all the government schools with school uniforms and footwear in order to help keep them in the classroom.

Our vision


It is the vision of the State Schools Relief Queensland to see to it that every Queensland child gets provided with the basic school clothing to keep them in school.

Our mission

The mission is to provide school clothing for all school children in all government schools.

Our values

The State Schools Relief Queensland values the keeping of children in the classroom through the provision of better school clothing for them.

What services are provided by the State Schools Relief Queensland?

As stated above, the SSR Queensland provides two main services to all children in Queensland who are attending any of the government schools. These two major services are;

  • The provision of school uniforms for public school children
  • The provision of proper footwear for public school children

How can you support the State Schools Relief Queensland?

The SSR Queensland has a number of specially designed ways through which the community members and other generous organisations can render their support to help with what SSR has been doing and these ways are listed below;

  • Participate in any of the events that SSR Queensland organises
  • Make contributions at the places where you work
  • Organise fundraising events for the SSR Queensland
  • Make a once-off donation
  • Make a donation on either a weekly or monthly basis
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